Privacy Policy

By logging the Website, you automatically consent the company and its employees to give you a call/sms/e-mail to explain to you the product and services offered by the company. It automatically allows the company to send communications through SMS, Email, or other means of electronic communications or phone calls.

You have agreed to be informed about products and services and promotional offers by the company mentioned on the Website. It stands good even if you have registered yourself for DND (Do Not Disturb) or DNC (Do Not Call) service of the service provider.

It also entails the company of its legal right about electronic communications. Communications electronically sent by the company through SMS, Email, or site posting fulfill legal requirements. It is as good as communication sent by writing.

At the time of login at The Money Trunk Powered By RUPI Bazaar Fintech P Ltd, accepting the terms and conditions mentioned on the site, you authorize the company to collect your verifiable data to be used by the company. It allows the company, its employees, and Authorized personnel to collect personal information like your name, including the surname, city, state, addresses details, Pin code, mobile number, date of birth, and any other personal information.

The legality of the data

While collecting the data from you, the company does not check the integrity and accuracy of the data collected. The company is not legally bound on the data collected and does not bind the company on its usage.

While the company absolves itself on the truthfulness of the data collected, it assures the confidentiality of the data collected from you. The company neither sells the data nor rents it out.

RBFPL guarantees compliance with the legislation on the protection of personal data communicated or collected while browsing this site

Right to Transfer of data

The company reserves the right to pass on the collected verifiable data to an affiliate or any successor-in-interest by way of sale. It can be any part of the business. It can be a merger, reorganization, or consolidation of the company with another entity.


Here, the company means any person directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries that control is controlled by or under common control.

As used in this Privacy Policy, the term "person" includes any natural person, corporation, partnership, limited liability company, trust, unincorporated association, or other entity.

Third-Party Advertisements and links

During the login process, you may come across third-party websites that offer products and services other than the products and services of the company. Any reference or hyperlinks mentioned on the site does not constitute an endorsement, sponsorship, or recommendation of its usage. The company is neither canvassing for the purchase nor use of such products.

It is purely for advertising purposes only. The company has no legal binding on such advertisements. In short, the company neither investigates nor endorses the accuracy, legality, legitimacy of the service providers who advertise with us.

Errors and Omissions

The Money Trunk Powered By RUPI Bazaar Fintech P Ltd. makes every effort to ensure that the data, material, and information collected from you electronically is accurate omission-free. At the same time, the company is not responsible for inaccurate data captured on the site. It has no legal bearing on the company.

The company does not monitor, verify or endorse data, material, and information submitted or provided by third parties on the Website.

The company also urges you to be aware that such information may be inaccurate, incomplete, or out of date. The company does not monitor, verify or endorse the information or quotations of the product and service provided by them on the Website.

Damages or loss incurred on inability or reliance on data

We at The Money Trunk Powered By RUPI Bazaar Fintech P Ltd. are not legally bound for any loss or damage arising due to the inability to access the site. The company has legal protection on damages that may occur from reliance on the data from the Website.

Damages or losses occurred due to Faulty transmission

The company is not bound legally for any damage or loss incurred during wrong and unforeseeable information on the internet. The company also indemnifies itself from any damage or loss that may occur on account of the force Majeure clause or act of God.

Changes to Privacy Policy

As the Website is dynamic, periodical changes occur to the terms and conditions of the Privacy policy. It is the sole discretion of the company to effect the changes to the privacy policy.

Any update in the privacy policy would pop during the login. Users can view the updates during the login. They can AGREE or DISAGREE during that time.

Indemnity clause

By logging in, you automatically agree to the terms and conditions of the site- The company absolves itself of losses that may occur to you during the login into the Website.

It indemnifies all employees, including Directors or subsidiaries, on the losses that may occur to you during the usage of the site.

Recovery of losses and damages to the company The company urges you to pay attention to the usage of the site while entering the data. The company is allowed to recover the losses that may occur to it on account of your incorrect use or wrong data entry.

Terms of Understanding, TOU, violation entails the company to proceed legally. The company is entitled to recovering fines, damages, reasonable attorney fees by any misuse of the site from you.

The company reserves the right to change, modify, add or delete any terms and conditions to its privacy policy without any prior notification.

Changes in this Privacy Policy

As the The Money Trunk Powered By RUPI Bazaar Fintech P Ltd. site is dynamic, changes to the terms and conditions of the Privacy policy keep changing. It is the sole discretion of the company in effecting the changes.

The updates in the privacy policy with changes carried out would pop whenever the user logs in. Updates carried out can be reviewed by the user during login. At the time of login, he can see the modifications carried out and have the option to AGREE or DISAGREE.

The company reserves the right to change and review its privacy policy without prior notification.

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